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Vegan Cooking For Carnivores

Going Vegan Has Never Been So Easy

Mac & Cheese

vegan mac and cheese


This recipe took me over a year to create.  I kept trying to reproduce the cheddar flavor, but as of now that seems to be impossible (including any store-bought cheddar; they are just awful).  So instead, I tried to recreate more of a gouda type flavor.  And I think it is wonderfully creamy and delicious.  This does make about 8 cups of the cheese, so if you have a smaller blender then you will want to separate the ingredients in half and do 2 batches.  I highly recommend an extra large, 10 x 15 inch, baking dish for this one.  And feel free to use your favorite pasta (I like a trottole, myself).

Total Time: about 1ยฝ hours


2     cups cashews
1      white onion, chopped
2     Tbsp. garlic, minced
4     cups water
ยฝ     cup all purpose white flour
ยฝ     cup nutritional yeast
2     Tbsp. white miso paste
2     Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
2     tsp. garlic powder
2     tsp. onion powder
1     tsp. salt
1     tsp. white pepper
2     lbs. pasta
2     cups panko bread crumbs
Olive oil


โ€ข  In a medium pot, add the cashews and plenty of water.  Boil the cashews for at least 45 minutes to soften them.

โ€ข  While the cashews are boiling, heat a Tbsp. of olive oil in a pan over med-high heat and sautรฉ the onions until they start to become translucent.

โ€ข  Add the garlic and continue to sautรฉ for another minute or two.

โ€ข  Add the onions and garlic to a blender.

โ€ข  Preheat the oven to 350ยฐF.

โ€ข  Start boiling water and cook the pasta according to package instructions.

โ€ข  While the cashews are still boiling, combine the remaining ingredients into the blender (except the pasta and bread crumbs).

โ€ข  When the cashews are done, drain them and add them to the blender as well.  Blend everything together on high until smooth and creamy.

โ€ข  When the pasta is done cooking, drain it and pour the pasta into a large baking dish (I recommend a 10 x 15 inch).  Then, take the cheese and pour it evenly over the top of the pasta.  Use a spatula or large spoon to gently move the pasta around to make sure the cheese is evenly distributed.

โ€ข  Spread the panko bread crumbs over the top of the pasta evenly.

โ€ข  Bake for about 30 minutes, until the panko is just starting to brown on top.

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