Vegan Cooking For Carnivores

Going Vegan Has Never Been So Easy

Eggs Benedict

vegan eggs benedicts


Ok, so not exactly โ€œeggโ€, but something very close!  There is an Indian spice called kala namak that literally tastes exactly like egg.  You probably wonโ€™t find it in your grocery store, but itโ€™s easy enough to find online.  Kala namak sprinkled on top of tofu, which has the consistency of egg, is ridiculously close!

Total Time: 1 to 1ยฝ hours



โ€ข  Boil the almonds in a small pot of water for 45 minutes to soften them.

โ€ข  While the almonds are boiling, combine all other hollandaise ingredients into a blender.  When the almonds are done, add them as well and blend until smooth.  Return to the pot when done and keep warm, stirring occasionally.

โ€ข  Also while the almonds are boiling, cook the bacon according to package instructions.

โ€ข  While the almonds and bacon are cooking, fill a medium pot with a few inches of water and bring to a boil.

โ€ข  Depending on the size/shape of your tofu, youโ€™ll need to drain and slice the tofu into 12 roughly equal sizes that will fit nicely on an English muffin.  Add the tofu slices to the pot of boiling water to heat through.  It shouldnโ€™t take more than 5 minutes, and when done remove the tofu from the water and place on a paper towel to dry a little.

โ€ข  In a large pan (I use the same one I cooked the bacon in), heat a Tbsp. of olive oil over med-low heat and add the garlic.  Then, add the spinach leaves.  It will look like you have far too much spinach, but it will cook down dramatically.  Toss/turn the spinach pretty frequently until all the leaves have wilted.

โ€ข  Split and toast the English muffins.

โ€ข  You can plate however you choose, but I personally first place a tomato slice on top of one of the halves of the muffin.  Then, I split one piece of bacon in half and place the halves on the tomato.  On top of the bacon I place some spinach, and then one of the tofu pieces.  On the tofu is where we want to sprinkle the kala namak, so do this next.  Lastly, I spoon some of the hollandaise sauce on top of the tofu and finish with some sprinkles of paprika.

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